
Let's Play "Name the Smell"

I live in the basement of my fraternity's building in a 1 bedroom studio. While I value the privacy this provides me, it does come with a few surprising downsides.
One of the most frequent consequences of basement living is that my apartment attracts smells from all the other apartments in the building. I am not sure why smells sink to the bottom of the building, but they seem to converge in my living room on a daily basis. I guess for the same reasons that heat rises, smells must sink.
What surprises me the most is the clarity of the smells that appear. Typically the smells are from something being cooked. The scent is so strong and so succinct it's as if the meal is being prepared right in my own kitchen. I can usually name not only the main dish being prepared (typically some delicious smelling meat), but even the side dishes and various seasonings involved. And, living in a building of 12 different apartments filled with people living various time schedules, there are smells wafting in at all hours of the day. It's like a train station around here.
As you can imagine, this creates quite a bit of confusion for my body. Imagine living in a room that smells like 20 different delicious meals throughout the day. Then imagine going to your kitchen and finding only Pb and J's and Ramen to greet you. Sadly, neither my culinary skills nor my budget can match those of my neighbors, and I'm forced to simply live vicariously through their dinners with the help of my nose and our building's faulty ventilation system.

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