Here's a quick recap for those not in the loop of my daily life: I've finally picked a major; sociology. This was decided on the theory that I should major in whatever I find the most interesting to learn about (ie; I'm majorly interested in learning about Sociology). Whether or not this degree will ever come in handy in the real world is very debatable. But, on the bright side once I become homeless I'll have a firm grasp on my role in society as a hobo. (Here's a hint-it's picking through the garbage)
Speaking of higher education, here's a tidbit of knowledge I picked up in Marriage and Family today;
Men who keep their laptops on their laps dramatically decrease their sperm count. It's a mixture of the heat and the pressure caused by the computer. Scientists have found that an increase in temperature by 1 degree Celsius is known to reduce sperm count by 40 percent. Needless to say, I'll be keeping a pillow between the computer and me from now on.
Currently Eating: Egg Rolls