
New Orleans

So here's the situation: I've moved to New Orleans for the summer with my girlfriend, Jill, to volunteer for Americorps. I'm working at the Children's Library, and she's working at a Fine Arts Summer Camp.   We've been done here for officially one week and 4 hours and I've loved it so far.  This city is full of weirdoes and they keep things interesting. I'll be down here till the first week of August or so. If you'd like me to send you something wacky in the mail (and believe me there's no shortage of wacky things to be purchased in this town), please contact me with your address!
Mine is 
Harrison George
5913 Laurel Street 
New Orleans, LA 70115
In case you were curious.


Bichitalk said...

Can we be pen pals? I already have one in Alaska, so I better cover both coasts. Get ready for indecipherable hand-writing!

Anonymous said...

Well, my address is 1510 Union Rd. Lawrence, KS 66044. And I hope you do send me something wacky.

Anonymous said...

So glad you're back. Keep up the good work, and I can't wait to hear some stories.

Unknown said...

Man, Harrison that's awesome!
That's great that you're enjoying everything there.
I've been down there a couple times... And I have never been let down (entertainment wise... haha!) I actually have been looking into doing some type of missionary work or something along those lines for the next semester or two. I don't know what to do with my life.. so until I figure out what to do, that seems like a good option. I might give you a call soon to chit chat about that. We'll see! Have a good time!!! I might take you up for something wacky later heh. See ya!